Make Audio Play Backwards!

Max file size 50MB


Online Mp3 Reverser is a free online tool which lets you reverse your audio files and download to your device without using complicated programs.

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Mp3 Files In Reverse!

Ever wondered how your favorite mp3 track would sound like when played backwards? What about reverse speech or words?

With this fun online voice reverser, you can easily convert your audio files to interesting backwards playing audio tracks!

Supported formats

  • mp3
  • wav
  • wma
  • ogg
  • m4r
  • m4a
  • aac
  • amr
  • flac
  • aif

Get inspired!

Experience the music in a totally different way! If you are a musician or a creative artist, you can use this tool to find inspiration for your next project.

Chaotic structure of the reversed songs and weird noises created by playing the music backwards will inspire you to create works of art never heard before!

Create Reverse Sound Effects

Reverse sound effects, such as reverse cymbals or noise risers, are extensively used in audio production these days.

With this free online tool, you can create amazing reverse sound effects. Just try reversing a hit, noise, cymbal or any other short audio clip.

How to reverse audio files easily

Want to see how an audio file would sound like when played in reverse? Here is how to create that reverse audio effect online without using any software:

  1. Select an audio file from your device.
  2. Click "Reverse It".
  3. Download your reversed audio file.